Free hugs!

My grandmother passed away last weekend; she was 96 years old, which means that in my eyes, since I can remember, she’s always been old. She had a good, long life and left surrounded by the love of her children, grand-children and great-grand-children.

I have lived abroad for a long time and I have grown accustomed to the random calls in the middle of the night to inform me of the bad news concerning my family, in a way I am prepared for it and I’ve accepted that there is not much I can do, other than give my support to my loved ones through the phone.

What hit me hard this time, was an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and the inability to give someone a hug – and we’ve already stablished that I’m not much of a tree hugger, even in extreme circumstances.

When you live in a place like this you create a lot of friendly relationships, but mostly limited and lacking a deep, meaningful connection; there is absolutely no affection or human touch, other than the fast and awkward goodbye hugs when someone leaves… and of course, the people you like most and could be real friends with, leave too soon.

So, all of you that can, please enjoy the affection of all the people around you. Go give a hug and/or a smile to your partners, mothers, fathers, children, relatives, friends, co-workers, helpers, your doctor, the doorman who’s been serving you for ages, the receptionist at the gym, the nice lady that serves you every day at the coffee shop… I’ll do what I can to start a ‘free hugs’ campaign in Yong Ping!

6 thoughts on “Free hugs!

  1. such a sweet thought.
    i’m happy to hear you had such a wonderful relationship with Nonna, but this, of course, makes saying good bye so difficult.

    I send you an internet hug, if there is such a thing.

    take care of yourself, and know that your gramma was so very proud of what you do, have done and accomplished in your life. She must have a been a very proud lady.


  2. Hey Lil.

    I’m sure that those that have passed continue to live in our hearts want to be remembered fondly with smiles and laughter.
    Sincere condolences.

  3. Lil, I wish you were here for hugs. We would be giving you lots of them right now. We miss you terribly. See you in a couple weeks and expect some serious hugging.

    xoooo, L.

  4. Lili!!! Apenas leo tu post…me desconecte las ultimas semanas…siento mucho tu abuelita y te quedo debiendo el abrazo en persona. Me haces mucha falta y me muero de ganas de oír todas tus historias en vivo y en directo (y con vinito en mano) …me encanta leer tu blog y cada vez me sorprendes mas con tus dotes de escritora. Abrazo gigante nena, que experiencia tan bonita y enriquecedora estas viviendo…disfrutala un montón!!

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